Have a naturally beautiful pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time! Unfortunately, if you’re among the three quarters of women that suffer from morning sickness, it might seem that Mother NatureĀ forgot to tell your body it’s supposed to be wonderful! We’ve written before on natural ways to relieve morning sickness, so if you are suffering please do take a read. Today’s post is all about maintaining a naturally beautiful lifestyle during pregnancy. Read on to find out more.

have a naturally beautiful pregnancy~LittleSoapCompany.co.uk

It’s worth noting that NOW is the best time to adopt a healthier lifestyle. No matter how far along into your pregnancy you are- it is never too late to change your habits and make the most of your pregnancy. A healthy body and mind will deliver a healthy baby, so do all that you can to make that so. If you’ve been feeling rough and unable to stomach healthy foods, don’t panic. Do what you can and speak to your health provider about ways that you can supplement your diet safely. Most importantly, don’t become encumbered with guilt during your pregnancy as stress is no better for your baby than a huge bag of crisps. Be kind to yourself! Leading to our first, very important tip for a naturally beautiful pregnancy…

Nurture the right mindset for your changing body

Your body is going to change a lot during pregnancy, and the best way that you can embrace this is to adopt the right mindset. Your body knows what it is doing when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, so believing in that ability and accepting what is to come is key toĀ reducing stressĀ and easing your mind during pregnancy. If you are relaxed and calm, you will sleep better, make better food choices and give your body and mind chance to nurture and protect your baby. If you’re struggling to relax and unwind, try some meditation or gentle yoga. Leading us nicely to the next tip…

Stay active

Pregnancy does not mean that you need to abandon your fitness regime, but it WILL need some modification! Exercise is not only recommended during pregnancy, but it is positively encouraged for the healthy development of not only your growing body, but your growing baby too. Gentle, safe exercises can be beneficial for physical and emotional well-being during pregnancy so speak to your doctor for more advice if you’re new to working out.

If you’re no stranger to working out already, it’s worth noting that some studies have even shown keeping up with regular exercise throughout pregnancy can result in a larger placenta too. This means increased nutrients and oxygen to your baby; exercise also helps to maintain heart health for mother and baby too.

Some good examples of exercises to try during pregnancy:

  • swimming- great for all over toning and stamina
  • walking
  • yoga (pre-natal)
  • pilates (pre-natal)

Don’t take up new exercises without seeking medical advice first, and avoid work outs that require you to lie flat on your back. It’s also a good idea to avoid strenuous contact sports and underwater sports such as scuba diving too.

Eat well

If you are suffering from morning sickness and experiencing food aversions, rest assured that your baby is getting nutrients just fine from what you do eat. It’s ok to eat some foods that you wouldn’t normally touch, but try to limit them if you can. Wherever possible, go for whole foodsĀ and aim to reduce toxins in your diet too. Lots of natural foods can actually help to alleviate morning sickness, so it’s worth a try! Some tips to follow:

  • If it’s canned, don’t eat it. Try to eat as many natural foods as you can, in their most natural state.
  • Go for organic produce as much as possible.
  • Opt for lots of leafy green vegetables that are full of folate, which will help your baby’s neural development.
  • Try to eat a balanced diet at each meal, and think about every single piece of food you put into your mouth.
  • Don’t try to reduce your calorie intake, or to lose weight during pregnancy.

Rest, rest, rest

We’ll say it again- REST! If you’re running around the place day after day, you are not giving your body adequate time to repair and rejuvenate and you’ll start to feel the effects of that quite quickly. Stress and worry will take it’s toll on your body even when not pregnant, but during this time especially it is important to rest as much as you can.

Take some time each day to sit quietly, or nap. Read a book. Listen to music. Meditate. Take this time for YOU.
