Five Little Ways to Support Zero Waste Week

Five Little Ways to Support Zero Waste week is Zero Waste Week and here at Little Soap HQ we believe that very household has a duty to do as much as they can to ensure we reduce the amount of rubbish that heads out to landfill each year. When we throw rubbish ‘away’ the things we discard have to actually go somewhere- and more often than not they end up in a huge pile of mess that literally has the potential to find its way into the ocean, the earth, or into the stomach of cattle. This needs to end. We’d love for you to get involved and support this initiative, so we’ve put together some ideas to help you. This is a team effort and we all need to pitch in now. Read on to discover five little ways to support Zero Waste Week.

Remember the ‘Three Rs’

We all know the ‘three Rs’- reduce, reuse and recycle. But how many of us have really taken them to heart? Its not enough to know that we need to reduce the amount of plastic we use. Its not enough to know that we need to choose reusable products. Its not enough to know that we need to recycle. We need to action on this knowledge, and educate those around us to do the same. Not keen on the amount of plastic that your local shop uses to package it goods? Tell them. Buy your fruit and veg loose rather than pre-packaged. Take your own cup into Starbucks when you go for coffee. Take recycling a step further by investigating local Bring Banks (search via the Recycle Now database) and make a pledge to box up recyclables on a regular basis. There are so many ways that we can put the three Rs into practise, and so many ways that we can encourage our loved ones to do the same too. Get in touch with your tips.

Borrow and lend more 

Are the days of popping next door for a cup of sugar really long gone? We say no! What’s the point in buying new if you only need to use it once? Borrowing tools, shoes, clothes or more can be a great way to really cut down on the amount of ‘stuff’ we buy and accumulate on a daily basis. Likewise, being open to loaning out your possessions can help to give back too. The Zero Waste campaign recommends the more community minded of us go as far as to set up a borrower’s library, where users can request the loan of specific items, saving them from buying more and saving said item from being relegated to the rubbish pile too. We think this is a great idea!

Give stuff away

Donating to charity is always top of the list, but these days there are also sites such as Freecycle where users are more specific about the items they need. If you have it lying around the house, then why not make sure it goes to better use? Facebook is another great way to donate stuff to those in need, plus don’t forget the collections that run by various charities that require little effort- fill a bag and leave it on the doorstep and voila! Other initiatives include donating old school uniform, a chidrens’ clothes swap group, book swap clubs… again, get in touch with your ideas!

Use less paper

How much paper do you waste every single day? From junk mail (check out the Royal Mail website to opt out) to leaflets dropped into shopping bags- there is SO MUCH of it! Some shops are now offering email receipts when you buy, so if the option is there then take it. Ask your bank for online statements, and encourage your child’s school to go for digital newsletters instead.

Be more kitchen savvy

Most households will by now have a kitchen waste bin, and some may have compost heaps too. These are all great changes that local councils have introduced and we applaud them heartily. But for those of you wanting to go a little further, did you know that there are kitchen scraps you can reuse too? This is a great one to do with kids, and super easy too. According to the Zero Waste campaign, the following scraps can all be re-planted to grow into new and edible produce:

  • Fennel
  • Cababge
  • Spring Onions
  • Carrots
  • Leeks
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • Sweet Potato
  • Ginger
  • Pineapple

Worth a try? Let us know how you get on.

Zero Waste Week is an online campaign running from the 3rd of September 2018. Follow the hashtag #ZeroWasteWeek on Twitter, or connect via Facebook. And don’t forget to get in touch to let us know what you intend to do this week- and beyond- to support the cause.

