Winter skincare tips and

Winter Skincare Tips and Recommendations

Brrrrr! Did someone turn the heating right down?! We LOVE winter, but gosh it’s cold! And so yes, it’s time to tweak our self care routines a little too. You know the drill- cold weather plus central heating equals problem skin. We’ve been here before, but this is important so it needs reminding! Here are three little winter skincare tips and recommendations from us- let us know what you think!

Layer up

It’s not just your body that needs more layers in the winter, your skin does too! So when you add that extra jumper, pay attention to what your skin needs underneath too. Your usual moisturiser might not be quite enough to see you through this cold spell. For the best winter skincare routine, we recommend adding in a really good oil, for extra hydration when your skin needs it most. Use after cleansing, before your usual moisturiser and allow time for it to soak in before applying makeup etc.

We recommend: Another Year Wiser Facial Oil by Neighbourhood Botanicals. It’s packed with soothing and hydrating ingredients that are just perfect for boosting your winter skincare routine.


Exfoliation is not just for summer! It’s so important to remove dead skin cells during the colder months too, so that the skin beneath can flourish and glow. Your skin really needs this extra TLC because the cells actually due out a lot faster during the winter. This is all thanks to the central heating we encounter, plus the drop in humidity too. So don’t be tempted to skip this part of your winter skincare routine- in fact, make it a priority this season. And always ALWAYS follow with a really good moisturiser!

Winter skincare tips and

We recommend: our gorgeous Eco Warrior Exfoliating Bar for a fresh and invigorating treat for your skin. We use citrus essential oils to fragrance, and oatmeal to slough away the dead skin cells naturally and gently- so it’s perfect for skin that needs attention in the winter.

Don’t forget sun screen

Ok yes, we’re talking winter skincare routines, and yes- it seems most days we’re lucky if the sun makes an appearance through the clouds… but you still need sun screen! And here’s why.

The sun’s UV rays do not go away. Dermatologists recommend that sun screen is worn all year round, for this very reason- and we agree! And these UVA rays are able to penetrate cloud cover very well too- in fact, they can also penetrate glass, which means if you sit by a window during the winter your skin is still at risk!

We recommend adding sun screen with SPF30 at least to your winter skincare routine, which will block around 97% of UV rays. And make sure it’s broad spectrum, with protection against most UVA (the rays responsible for damage to structural cells in the skin) and UVB too.
