New Year- To Detox or Not?

As January is now in full swing, can we have a show of hands please? Who here is currently on a detox? I’m willing to bet that almost half of you have at least given it some thought- am I right? It’s everywhere. Everything you read, every advert on the television, every conversation in the office. January gets under our skin, doesn’t it? It’s cold, it’s dark and it seems we may have all indulged a little bit too much over Christmas. But isn’t a detox just anotherĀ miserable way to make January even worse? Well, that depends on your viewpoint, and your approach to it all. Read on to find out if a detox is going to help you, or hinder you in the new year.

New Year- To Detox or Not? detox?

Most of us choose to detox in the new year because we feel we need to ‘get back to normal’ eating habits after an indulgent festive season. Some of us are persuaded by visions of ‘new year, new you’ and desires to get a beach body in time for summer. It’s only six months away, people! But are these good reasons to detox? Are we going to be able to stick to our new intentions if we’re depriving ourselves so early on in the new year? Here are our top fiveĀ reasons for detoxing right now:

  • You need to remove toxins from the body.
  • You want to prevent/ improve symptoms of chronic illness
  • You want to improve your overall health and lifestyle
  • You want to focus on your emotional wellbeing
  • You want to improve the function of the immune system

Notice it doesn’t list ‘you want a beach body’ on there? That’s because a beach body is only one of theĀ possibleĀ side effects of a detox…

Seriously though, take a look at the list above. If fewer than two of those reasons don’t make your list, or leave youĀ feelingĀ determined to make it work, then sadly it probably won’t. A detox might not be for you, and that is fine!

What is a detox?

Plainly speaking, a detox means ridding the body of toxins and cleansing the blood. When done correctly it can be of huge benefit to the body and mind, and this is where the problem lies for many of us. It has to be done properly to get the benefit. And you need to be dedicated to it too. So if you decide that you’re going to to do a detox, but you’re still going to indulge a little in a drink at the weekend, well then… maybe it’s not for you after all.

Not detoxing is not a bad thing

Yes, it’s true. Deciding not to do a detox is no bad thing! We are all different and we all want different things out of life. More so, our bodies are different too. It may be that overall you don’t actuallyĀ need a detox. Or it may be that the thought of embarking upon one makes you feel a little anxious. And that’s fine, because there are so many smaller changes that you can make that will benefit your body in similar ways. So seriously, if you’re not sure- then don’t do it!

The year of you

Make 2017 the year of YOU. Don’t follow the crowd just because it seems like the right thing to do. Listen to your body, and take note of the things that make your heart sing. At the end of the day, you’re much more likely to stick at something you enjoy than something you loathe.

And if you do decide not to detox this new year, here are three reasons why that might not be a bad thing after all:

  • Your body has it’s own natural detox system already. Yes, your body is amazing. Your liver, kidneys and skin all work hard to keep your body in tip top condition, so as long as you treat it right you won’t actually need to detox at all.
  • Your mind might not be up to it. Failure is a huge thing and such a horrible word! But if you set yourself up for failure by promising to carry out a seven day detox that you know is going to make you miserable, then you are surely on the road to doom. Ok, so maybe not doom, but you know what we mean! Be kind to yourself please.
  • Your body may actually need some of the nutrients you’re missing. There are some fairly dubious detox diets out there, and actually some of them mean that you end up depriving your body of the nutrients it needs. If you’re eating a healthy and balanced diet then your body is getting what it needs, end of.

So, are you on a detox right now? We’d love to hear how it’s going!
