Organic September – Why Organic is Important for Little Soap

Organic September: Three Little Reasons to Choose Organic For Your Family week we’re continuing on with our Organic September theme, in support of the Soil Association’s campaign. We’re passionate about spreading the word about the importance of careful consideration when it comes to shopping, and we want more people to change their habits for good. So, without further ado- here are our latest musings on Organic September- and why organic is important for Little Soap.

Little Soap’s mission…

Our mission has always been to make pure, natural soap accessible to all. We want to see affordable organic alternatives on the shelves so that customers can pick them up with their weekly shopping. We want good quality natural soap to become mainstream- and, thanks to our dedication and passion, we’re getting there!

All our organic products contain the cleanest ingredient deck and we only use the finest oils with the organic percentage in line with the Soil Association guidelines. To be fair, we could make a far cheaper, inferior product and make a way higher margin (way, way higher!) but we choose not to.

We proudly stand by the ingredients because we fiercely believe in the product and we genuinely want to change the market place. Little Soap Company was the first organic bar soap to line the supermarket shelves – and to enable this choice of having an organic alternative for consumers to happen, amid their weekly shop has been a huge drive to do what we do.Organic September: why Organic is Important to Little

We’re proud that our products are natural

Every single one of our soap products, both bar soap and liquids (hand wash, body wash, and bubble bath) are considered naturally-based.

The National Ingredient Resource Center (NIRC) considers a product “all-natural,” if it contains at least 95% of ingredients that fit their criteria for natural ingredients. The other 5% may come from ingredients that do not meet their criteria for natural but do not contain synthetic fragrances, artificial colours, or harmful fillers.

Little Soap Company uses mostly natural and/or organic ingredients; please see here for more information on the ingredients that we use.

Organic means protection for you- and for the planet

There are so many reasons why choosing organic toiletries and cosmetics is the right thing to do. Here at Little Soap, we advocate for knowledge as power. Knowing that whatever you put onto your skin is absorbed by the body, why would you want to use anything that contains harsh chemicals and nasty additives? By using natural ingredients, we can ensure that our products are safe for almost all skin types, and we’re not contributing to adverse effects (such as hormone disruption, skin irritation, and mood imbalances) that can result from the use of parabens and other nasties. We’re very keen to cater for all, hence our un-perfumed range is best for the most sensitive skin types or for those with allergies. We provide detailed information on all ingredients used-  read our labels to find the best soap for you.

Organic September: why Organic is Important to Little organic ingredients also helps to support the planet with ethical farming standards and less destructive production methods. Please see this post for more information on how organic farming is better for the environment- and how you are helping to protect the plane when you buy our products.

The difference between natural and organic 

In the UK there are no government regulations for skincare as there are for food; together with different ‘standards’ between certification boards it is easy to become confused…we aim to be as clear and transparent as possible by listing all our ingredients clearly on our products – we have to use the Latin name but also put the ‘common’/English name for clarity.  We personally choose to follow the Soil Association guidelines and adhere to them.

‘Natural’ has become such a misused and misleading word in the beauty industry – for cosmetics and toiletries to be considered a “natural beauty product” it may contain as little as 1% naturally grown ingredients, and may or may not contain organically grown ingredients.  Any non-organic products we use are of high quality, non-toxic, and biodegradable.  We do not use any synthetics in our products. Suffice to say we list the % of ingredients on all labelling and when we call a range natural it truly is.

Organic: developing naturally: occurring or developing gradually and naturally, without being forced or contrived.

This is one definition of organic. The % of organic materials in each product we clearly state on each label. We believe this is a far better indicator than simply stating it is natural which doesn’t really mean very much. We have invested in chemists and extensive research on every single product. We are very transparent on our site and list every single ingredient here and on our packaging as well. We are very proud that all of our ingredients are organic, safe, and considered “natural” under the conditions mentioned above and we stand by everything we have said regarding the safety of our products.
